UMFPL Videos

Looking for fun reels by our staff?

Did you know UMFPL has reels on TikTok? We’ve made our reels available on our YouTube Channel! New reels are added frequently. Check out our YouTube Shorts Channel for a full list of reels! Want to see a couple first? Look below!



Looking for more like the Bridgerton series? Check this out!

Look at this one! Look at that one!

Tortured Poets Department, listen on hoopla!

I have this thing!

POV: You called the library with a tricky question!


Have eLibrary Resource Questions?

UMFPL has tutorial videos for many of our eResources available on our YouTube Channel! New videos are added frequently. Check out our YouTube Channel Playlist for a full list of videos! Take a peek at a couple below!


Introduction Video: Welcome to UMFPL’s eLibrary

Using the Library Catalog: Requesting Materials

Using the Library Catalog: Lists

eLibrary Basics: Using Ancestry Library

eLibrary Basics: Using Universal Class

You can find all of our videos here HERE!