Spice Up Your Life- Star Anise

Kits available starting March 15th. Enjoy tasting spices from around the world! Each kit includes a serving of spices with recipes included. Kits available while supplies last.

AFOL club

Join us to complete some awesome sets and meet other LEGO fans!

True Crime Tales

*** REGISTER HERE*** Do you love true crime? Join us to read and discuss the latest true crime (and true crime adjacent) titles on Zoom! Join our group on Bookclubs.com to access meeting information, discussion boards, polls, and much more! Visit https://bookclubs.com/true-crime-tales/join/ to join (not required)!   My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

Rep. Nancy Guenst Office Services Event

Stop by the Library  between 10:30am-12:30pm for Representative Nancy Guenst's Office Services Event! The office offers: Free notary services PennDOT related issues SEPTA senior keycards Property tax/rent rebate program Unclaimed property VSO hours

Writers’ group

Calling ALL WRITERS — amateur, pro, scribbler, typist!!  YOU are invited to join the writers’ group.  We host discussions of the writing process and the craft; practice exercises and prompts to generate ideas and….most importantly we support each other’s writing through healthy, positive feedback and sharing inspirational ideas/techniques. No registration required.

DIY Chocolate Treats

REGISTER HERE! Registration Required. This program is intended for adults 18+.

Book Discussion: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

UMFPL’s Book Discussion Group is on Zoom! Join us! March Title: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang  Click here to add your email to our invite list! (No need to sign-up each month, we’ll keep you on our list until you tell us to take you off. Annually, we will check in to confirm you want to…
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Winter Reading Challenge Ends

Challenge runs Jan. 1, 2024- Mar. 31, 2024! What is the Adult Winter Reading Challenge? Read or listen to at least 5 books between January 1st and March 31st 2023! Track your progress, rate titles, earn badges & prizes by logging your reads in Beanstack. Register HERE: https://umfpl.beanstack.org/ or in the Beanstack App.

Adult Craft Kits Available

April CRAFT KIT: Shrinky Dink Keychains PICK UP A FREE CRAFT SUPPLY KIT @ UMFPL (while supplies last) KITS AVAILABLE STARTING April 1st

Cookbooks available to check out beginning today

Beginning today, copies of the next cookbook are available to check out through our library system.  Stop in at the Information desk for assistance. This session's book is COOKIES: THE NEW CLASSICS by Jesse Szewczyk REGISTER HERE!

Eclipse Viewing Event

Join us for a live viewing, free eclipse glasses, crafts, games, & more! No registration required.