Cancelled- Ready to Vote?

MontCo office of voter services has cancelled this event. Stary tuned for a rescheduled information session.

Yoga Story Time with Jana Gunby

For three weeks this Fall! An opportunity for children to explore themselves, the world around them, and their imaginations through mindful movement and children’s literature with Jana Gunby of Heartwell…
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Yoga Story Time with Jana Gunby

For three weeks this Fall! An opportunity for children to explore themselves, the world around them, and their imaginations through mindful movement and children’s literature with Jana Gunby of Heartwell…
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Adult Craft Kits Available

October CRAFT KIT: Pipe Cleaner Pumpkins PICK UP A FREE CRAFT SUPPLY KIT @ UMFPL (while supplies last) KITS AVAILABLE STARTING October 2nd

Jewelry Sale – Friends of UMFPL

Come find your treasures at the 11th Annual Friends of UMFPL Jewelry Sale. Check out the fantastic bargains on vintage jewelry and books!

Spice Up Your Life- Cinnamon

Kits available starting October 15th. Enjoy tasting spices from around the world! Each kit includes a serving of spices with recipes included. Kits available while supplies last.